Have questions about the Census? In this post, we’re sharing 10 facts about the Census that will show why and how your Census is so important.
You count!
The Census is Confidential
All information collected by the Census Bureau is protected by law. Your answers will not and cannot be used to identify you or anyone who fills it out. After processing, papers are destroyed.
The Census Can Be Filled Out Online
The Census is easier to fill out than ever! It can be done online at 2020census.gov and will be sent instantly.
It Helps to Determine Apportionment
Apportionment is the process of determining the number of representatives in Congress. Each area’s residents are counted to ensure the correct representation at the federal level as stated in the Constitution.
It Does Not Affect Your Stimulus Check
A person’s response or lack of response to the Census will not affect the delivery of a stimulus check during COVID-19, or any government benefits.
It Does Not Ask About Citizenship
There is no citizenship question on the Census. Everyone who lives in the US is encouraged to fill it out to the best of their ability.
The Census Provides Statistics, Not Profiles
The information given to the Census will not be used to identify any person or household.
Census Info Is Not Shared With Other Agencies
No matter whether it is filled out, Census information is protected from being shared with government agencies, law enforcement or immigration officials.
It Is Available in Several Languages
The Census is available in English as well as 12 additional languages: Spanish, Chinese (Simplified), Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, Arabic, Tagalog, Polish, French, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, and Japanese.
Online questionnaire conforms with the latest web accessibility guidelines and there is also a video in American Sign Language to guide you through responding online.
Language assistance is also available on the phone.
Online Responses Are Encrypted
The Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 ensures sure that your data is protected from cybersecurity risks. Encryption makes sure that your responses and data are not accessible to outside entities.
Census Workers Are Easy to Identify
Towards the end of the collection period, a Census worker may come to your residence if a response has not been received from that address. All Census Bureau workers carry official government badges and should identify themselves immediately when they come to your home.
If you have more questions, see our Census Workshop recordings or visit the Census FAQ website.