February 27, 2021|Blog|

For the past year, the Covid-19 pandemic has swept the world, bringing sudden change to all countries and life as we know it. However, the recent development of the Covid-19 vaccine earlier this year has brought hope for the future.
Last week, the American Civic Association met with local medical professionals Jemille Smith (MD), Yusuf Harper (MD) & Bilqees Abdallah (DNP) via Zoom to discuss the vaccine and debunk some common rumors. Below is a FAQ about the Covid-19 vaccine that we hope eases your concerns and helps you make a choice for yourself and your family.

Why is getting the vaccine a good idea?

Getting the vaccine will build immunity to Covid-19 and reduce the risk of infection and transmission.

Has Covid affected people differently?

People of color and ethnic minorities have suffered from higher rates of Covid. More information about racial disparities regarding Covid-19 can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/health-equity/race-ethnicity.html


Does the vaccine include harmful ingredients?

No, the vaccine does not contain any harmful ingredients such as mercury. The vaccine actually has very few ingredients consisting of: fats, sugars, salts and mRNA.


Was the vaccine developed too quickly to be safe?

No, the vaccine was developed relatively quickly because there was a dire need for it due the pandemic. There has been global cooperation and an “all-hands on deck” approach as a result. No steps have been missed in the vaccine’s creation.

Can you have an allergic reaction to the vaccine?

Allergic reactions regarding vaccines are always possible, however incredibly rare. Most common reactions to the vaccine have been a sore arm and headache, which is the body’s normal response to building immunity.


After getting the vaccine, should you stop wearing a mask?

Even after getting the vaccine, you should continue wearing a mask as a precautionary measure. Masks reduce admission, symptoms, symptom progression and duration for yourself and others. Covid cases are currently dropping significantly because people are being more compliant and consistent with wearing masks


Should certain racial groups get the Pfizer vaccine and others the Moderna vaccine?

No, there is no reason certain racial groups should get one vaccine above the other. The two vaccines are very similar and function in the same way- the only differences are that people ages 16+ can receive the Pfizer vaccine and the second dose must be administered 21 days later whereas people ages 18+ can receive the Moderna vaccine and the second dose must be administered 28 days later. For more information on both vaccines visit: https://www.mayoclinic.org/coronavirus-covid-19/vaccine/comparing-vaccines

Will the American Civic Association be providing vaccines?

The American Civic Association is working on following New York state guidelines and getting vaccines for people of color and immigrants who are currently elegible. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!

The full recorded workshop can be accessed here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qd_jdNhQ_bZXj4TU94id_75Siu1lGR5j/view

For further questions or to make an appointment at the American Civic Association, contact us at covidinfo@americancivic.org or (607) 723 -9419