During the pandemic, it is more important than ever to know what your rights as an immigrant in this country are, and how to stay safe. Here are just some general reminders of what your rights are, and some resources that can be utilized by those who are uninsured or undocumented.
General rights information for undocumented (ACLU)
● If asked about immigration status or stopped by Law Enforcement
○ You have the right to remain silent
○ You can say “no” to being searched
○ If you’re pulled over, you may have to give license, registration, etc. but do not have to answer questions about immigration status
○ You have the right to a lawyer appointed by the gov. if arrested.
● If law enforcement comes to your home (ex. ICE)
○ Keep the door closed! You do not have to let them into your house to speak!
○ They cannot enter your house unless they have a warrant
■ However, warrants for removal or deportation do not allow officers to enter homes
○ What to say
■ Ask if they are immigration agents
■ Ask why they are there
■ Ask them to slide warrant under door (if they have one)
■ Don’t sign anything (talk to lawyer first)
○ If they enter your home without consent, do not resist
■ Ask to speak to a lawyer
Here is a good resource sheet to review if you are seeking resources:
From informedimmigrant.com https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18p9OSlLpSYanIoUC-gEbhVbRMYVUfw4wyrixa9ekGdc/edit#gid=0
Why immigrants are so at risk and yet so essential
● With so many immigrants working at the front-lines, and with many of them uninsured, they are one of the most at-risk populations in the country
● Many undocumented immigrants have experienced job loss, yet cannot apply for unemployment
● Most undocumented immigrants are not granted paid sick leave
● The $2 trillion stimulus package passed by the government has no provisions for undocumented immigrants
● Undocumented workers are also not always given protective gear, and yet expected to continue working
For those who are uninsured or undocumented and are seeking healthcare
● Undocumented Immigrants can enroll in medicaid for emergency services
● Public hospitals in NYC test for coronavirus for free
● NYC Hospitals and Health network will treat patients regardless of ability to pay or insurance status
● COVID19 Emotional Support line (844) 863 9314
● Call 211 for help from a United Way volunteer
● You can apply for health insurance on the marketplace 60 days after losing health insurance
○ https://nystateofhealth.ny.gov